* 首頁 > 師資介紹 > 專任教師 > 副教授 - 曾鈺茜 (Yu-Chien Tseng)

** 專任教師

日  期:2018-07-25
標  題:副教授 - 曾鈺茜 (Yu-Chien Tseng)

姓名 (Name):曾鈺茜博士 (Yu-Chien Tseng, Ph.D.)

職稱 (Affiliation):副教授 (Associate Professor)

研究室:國立嘉義大學蘭潭校區農園館 301室

Address: National Chiayi University, Department of Agronomy, Room 301.

電話:(05) 271-7399 ; 傳真:(05) 271-7386

Phone: +886-5-2717399; FAX: +886-5-271-7386

E-mail: yct@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

個人網站(Website): https://sites.google.com/view/yuchien-tseng/home

學歷 (Degree)

博士 (Ph.D.): Agronomy (Plant Breeding), University of Florida, USA

學士 (B.S.): 農藝系 (Agronomy), 國立台灣大學 (National Taiwan University)

經歷 (Experience)


(National Chiayi University, Department of Agronomy, Associate Professor)


(National Chiayi University, Department of Agronomy, Assistant Professor)


(University of Florida, Department of Agronomy, Postdoctoral Associate)

研究領域 (Research Area)

作物育種&基因體 (Plant breeding, genetics and genomics)

生理栽培 (Plant physiology)

之前的研究領域 (PI's previous research areas):

育種領域 (breeding area):落花生抗病育種 (tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV) (peanut disease resistant breeding), 分子輔助選種 (marker-assisted selection, MAS), 數量性狀基因座定位 (QTL mapping), 高通量分子標誌(SNP)開發 (high throughput marker development & genotyping-by-sequencing), 數量遺傳(遺傳率分析, 遺傳和環境交感分析)(quantitative genetics: heritability estimation & G*E interaction)

生理領域 (physiology area):非生物逆境研究(乾旱)(abiotic stress research: drought), 根系研究(花生和胡麻)(root architecture: peanuts and sesames), 種子生理 (成熟度) (seed maturity), 黃麴毒素 (aflatoxin) 研究, 揮發性有機物(Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs)研究

跨領域合作經驗 (interdiscipline collaborations):高光譜成像系統(Hyperspectral Imaging Systems), 機器學習 (Machine learning), 多軸飛行器 (Agricultural drones)


  1. Wu, Y. P., Chang, Y. C., Kuo, H. I., Lin, B. N., Wang, S. M., & Tseng, Y. C*. (2022). The Development of Two High-Yield and High-Quality Functional Rice Cultivars Using Marker-Assisted Selection and Conventional Breeding Methods. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(9), 4678. (SCI)  *Corresponding Author 

  2. Kuo, H. I., Dai, H. Y., Wu, Y. P., & Tseng, Y. C*. (2021). Peanut Germplasm Evaluation for Agronomic Traits and Disease Resistance under a Two-Season Cropping System in Taiwan. Agriculture, 11(12), 1277.  (SCI)  *Corresponding Author 

  3. Song, Y., Tseng, Y. C., Rowland, D. L., Tillman, B. L., Wilson, C. H., Sarnoski, P. J., & Zurweller, B. A. (2021). Multiple‐generation seed maturity effects on seedling vigour in a production environment. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 207(6), 1024-1040. (SCI) 

  4. Hsu, Y-C., Chiu, C-H., Yap, R., Tseng, Y-C., Wu, Y-P. (2020). Pyramiding bacterial blight resistance genes in Tainung82 for broad-spectrum resistance using marker-assisted selection.International Journal of Molecular Sciences.21:1281. (SCI) 

  5.  Luo, Z., Cui, R., Chavarro, C., Tseng, Y-C., Zhou, H., Peng, Z., Chu, Y., Yang, X.,  Lopez, Y., Wang, J. (2020). Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and estimating the epistasis controlling stem rot resistance in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea). Theoretical and Applied Genetics.1:1. (SCI) 

  6. Carter, E., Rowland, D., Tillman, B., Erickson, J., Grey, T., Gillett-Kaufman, J., Clark, M., Tseng, Y-C. (2019). An analysis of the physiological impacts on life history traits of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) related to seed maturity. Peanut Science, 46(2), 148-161.

  7. Zou, S., Tseng, Y-C.*, Zare, A., Rowland, D., Tillman, B., Yoon, S-C. (2019). Peanut maturity classification using hyperspectral imagery. Biosystems Engineering, 118: 165-177. (SCI).  *Corresponding Author and Co-first Author

  8. Sagart, L., Hsu, T-Z., Tsai, Y-C., Wu, C-C., Huang, L-T., Chen, Y-C., Chen, Y-F., Tseng, Y-C., Lin, H-Y., Hsing, Y-I. (2018). A northern Chinese origin of Austronesian agriculture: new evidence on traditional Formosan cereals. Rice, 11:57. (SCI). 

  9. Peng, Z., Tan, L., López, Y., Maku, J., Liu, F., Zhou, Hai., Tseng, Y-C., Yang, X., Hsieh, Y., Song, J., Wang, L., Tillman, B.L., Gallo, M., & Wang, J. (2018). Morphological and genetic characterization of non-nodulating peanut recombinant inbred lines. Crop Science, 58:1–11. (SCI)

  10. Hyen, C-C., Margaux, A., Gloaguen, R., Tseng, Y-C., Lee, S., Jung, K-Y., Choi, Y-D., Rowland, D.L. (2018). Morphological and Fractal Characteristics of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Roots from Various Soil Moisture Contents. Korean Journal of soil science and fertilizer, 51(3): 274-288. 

  11. Colvin, B.C., Tseng, Y-C.*, Tillman, B.L., Rowland, D.L., Erickson J.E., Culbreath A.K. and Ferrell, J.A. (2018). Consideration of peg strength and disease severity in the decision to harvest peanut in southeastern USA. Journal of Crop Improvement, 32:3, 287-304. *Corresponding Author

  12. Zhao, Z., Tseng, Y-C., Peng, Z., Lopez, Y., Chen, C., Tillman, B.L., & Wang, J. (2018). Refining and surveying the prevalence of a major QTL controlling spotted wilt disease resistance in cultivated peanut. BMC genetics, 19:17. (SCI)

  13. Tseng, Y-C*., Tillman, B. L., Gezan, S.A., Wang, J, & Rowland, D.L. (2018). Heritability of spotted wilt resistance in a Florida-EPTM ‘113’. Plant Breeding, 137(4): 614-620. (SCI) *Corresponding Author and First Author

  14. Tseng, Y-C., Tillman, B. L., Peng, Z., & Wang, J. (2016). Identification of major QTLs underlying tomato spotted wilt virus resistance in peanut cultivar Florida-EP TM ‘113’. BMC genetics, 17(1), 128. (SCI)


  1. Hung-Yu Dai and Yu-Chien Tseng (2019). The Analysis of Genetic Variance Among Different Peanut Varieties in Taiwan using KASP makers . 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA. 

  2. Yong-Pei Wu, Bing-Nan Lin, Chei-Wei Kuo, Yu-Chien Tseng (2019). Marker-Assisted Selection of High Nutrition Rice, Giant-Golden-Purple Rice, CNYHN01, and Giant-Golden-Red Rice, CNYHN02' . 17th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics, Taipei, Taiwan.

  3. Tseng, Y-C., Wang, J., Tillman, B. L. (2015). Heritability of TSWV resistance in Florida-EP ‘113. . Annual American Peanut Research and Education Society Meeting, Charleston, SC, USA. 

  4. Tseng, Y-C., Gezan, S. A., Tillman, B. L., Wang, J. (2015). QTL Analysis and Heritability Estimation for TSWV Resistance in the Peanut Cultivar, Florida-EP ‘113'. Annual National Association of Plant Breeders Meeting, Pullman, WA, USA. 

  5. Tseng, Y-C., Tillman, B. L., Wang, J. (2014). Identifying SSR Markers Linked to TSWV Resistance in Peanut Cultivar, Florida-EP '113'. 7th International Conference of Advances in Arachis through Genomics & Biotechnology, Savannah, GA, USA. 

  6. Tseng, Y-C., Tillman, B. L., Wang, J. (2014). Genetic Studies on the Novel Spotted Wilt Resistance of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea. L) Cultivar Florida- EP '113'. Agronomy Department Graduate Research Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. 

  7. Tseng, Y-C., Tillman, B. L., Wang, J. (2013). Towards Identification of SSR Markers Linked to TSWV Resistance in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL, USA.


§ Member, Gamma Sigma Delta Agricultural Honor Society, 2016

§ Recipient, Gerald O. Mott Award, Crop Science Society of America, 2015 & 2016

§ Recipient, Travel Scholarship Award, National Association of Plant Breeders, 2015

§ Recipient, Paul Robin Harris Memorial Scholarship Award, University of Florida, 2015

§ Recipient, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Travel Grant, University of Florida, 2015

§ 1st Place, Joe Sugg Graduate Student Competition, American Peanut Research and Education Society, 2014

§ Nominee, Bailey Award, American Peanut Research and Education Society, 2014

§ Recipient, Graduate Student Council Travel Grant, University of Florida, 2013, 2014 & 2015

§ Recipient, Outstanding Achievement, University of Florida International Center, 2012

§ Recipient, 台灣大學林仁壽教授獎學金 (Dr. Lin Ren-Shou Scholarship, National Taiwan University)

§ Recipient, 農友公司獎學金 (Known-You Seed Co. Ltd Scholarship)

§ Recipient, 台灣大學書卷獎 (President Award, National Taiwan University)



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